The latest edition of the Australian Journal of Mineralogy (AJM) volume 25 number 1 magazine has arrived. I have three photos in it 😁
The AJM is published in full colour twice a year. This issue is 56 pages long and includes the following articles:
Chinnerite, a new penriceite-related mineral, from the Penrice Marble Quarry, South Australia. Given its relationship to penriceite (which alters to chinnerite at temperatures over 40°), and to elliottite and tomsquarryite, if you have any of those species, you could also have chinnerite.
Dendritic baryte crystals from Waiwera, Auckland Region, New Zealand.
Epidote from Green Monster Mountain, Prince of Wales Island, Alaska, USA.
Photo essay: Epidote from the Craig Bosel collection.
Book review: Rocks, Fossils and Formations - Discoveries through time.
Mineral of the Year - 2022.
A tribute to Terry Huizing.
The 2023 Joint Mineralogical Societies of Australasia Seminar Report.
From the archives - Marshite.
Subscriptions available here.
Below: Marshite, Broken Hill Proprietary Mine, Broken Hill, Yancowinna Co., New South Wales. Width of view 6mm. Photographed under longwave ultraviolet light. Click on the image below for a higher resolution version.
I enjoyed this latest edition very much.. many accessible articles, including "From the Archives". Congratulations on your high-quality published pics Steve.
Can't wait to read the article when I get my new magazine