The latest issue of Le Cahier des Micromonteurs arrived! A special issue on Cap Garonne, France. 176 pages with the subject: 10 years of mineralogical research on Cap Garonne (in French).
I joined the Association Française de Microminéralogie a couple of years ago. The association also has a Facebook Group, Les Amis de l'Association Française de Microminéralogie.
The publications that they produce are exceptionally good, with four issues per year. One of these issues is a Special Edition. Membership is available for just €35 for a year.
My French is pretty limited, but because it is a subject matter that I know about, with the assistance of tools like Google Lens, I can translate and understand the articles pretty well. I am certainly going to enjoy this one!
This latest issue includes the following sections:
Les recherches de 2014 à 2024 (Research from 2014 to 2024)
Recherches dans les zones uranifères (Research in uranium-bearing areas)
Recherches dans les zones plombifères (Research in lead-bearing areas)
Espèces inédites pour le gisement (Undescribed species for the deposit)
Nouvelles espèces (New species)
Compléments sur les espèces déjà connues (Additional information on already known species)
Espèces complémentaires (Supplementary species)
Inconnus (Unknowns)
Liste récapitulative des espèces (Comprehensive list of species)
Conclusion/remerciements/crédits photos (Conclusion, acknowledgments, photo credits)
Bibliographie (Bibliography)
I only have seven specimens from this deposit (I thought there might have been more!), and three of them are perroudites!
Below: Front cover of the latest issue.

Got mine a few days ago, pretty spectacular