I have photographed a chabazite-Na specimen that used to belong to Judy Rowe. Judy was a talented micro mineralogist, and a prolific photographer. Judy uploaded to Mindat some 1,473 mineral photos, and 190 locality photos, between 2008 and when she sadly passed away in 2016. Many of these were minerals from Australian or New Zealand localities.
Judy’s micro collection became available last year, and members of the Mineralogical Society of Victoria, as well as attendees from other societies at the seminar in Tasmania in November, were able to acquire specimens.
Judy went to New Zealand many times, and collected at a number of different localities. This particular specimen was collected by Judy, and photographed and uploaded to Mindat in 2009.
I don’t know what equipment or techniques Judy used, other than her photos were single shots, not stacked. Her photos are a lot better than mine were from my early days! The only reason that I am showing both photos here is to emphasize the improvements over time and the changing technologies.
Below: Chabazite-Na, Bickers Quarry (Simpkins Quarry), Tokatoka, Kaipara District, Northland Region, North Island, New Zealand. Width of view 6mm. Click on the photo below for a higher resolution version.
Below: Judy Rowe photo. Uploaded to Mindat in 2009. Click on the photo below for a higher resolution version.
I've enjoyed seeing your recent before and after photos Steve... must be satisfying to know that your investment in equipment and time is well and truly justified! Thanks for sharing...Marg