By the time you read this, I will have been to see Adam Wright (Adelaide Mining Company) who mines crocoite at the Adelaide Mine, Dundas, on the west coast of Tasmania.
Adam lives near Hobart, so seeing as I will be in the neighbourhood for a few days, it would be remiss of me not to drop in and say hi! 😆
It is always nice to catch up with Adam, and interesting to see what has been coming out of the mine recently. I will take a few photos and share the results some time next week.
Below: A pretty spectacular specimen from a previous visit (no, it did not go home with me!).
That stalactite crocoite resides in my mineral cabinet in Brisbane Steve. I brought it back to Qld in carry on luggage before putting it on the shelf. It was then sold, but the new owner says he would rather leave it there rather than move it!