An Indian labourer named Raju Gound has recently discovered a 19.22-carat diamond in a mine in Panna city, Madhya Pradesh, which is known for its diamond reserves. The diamond is expected to fetch about 8 million rupees (US$95,570; £74,000) in a government auction. Gound has been leasing mines in Panna for over a decade in hopes of finding a diamond.
The National Mineral Development Corporation (NMDC) runs a mechanized diamond mining project in Panna and also leases out shallow mines to individuals, families, and cooperative groups who search for diamonds with basic tools and equipment. Any diamonds found are handed over to the government diamond office for evaluation.
Gound’s discovery is notable due to its size. He plans to use the money from the diamond to build a better house for his family, pay for his children’s education, and pay off his debt. He also plans to share the money with his 19 relatives who live with him. Despite his newfound fortune, Gound plans to continue searching for diamonds.
Taken from a post on the BBC’s website.
I have a “slightly” smaller diamond from Panna, probably around half a carat, but I am more than happy with it! 😆
Below: Diamond, Panna Mines, Panna, Panna District, Madhya Pradesh, India. 5mm wide crystal.