This month’s Micromount Club Zoom session was held this week. Henk Smeets did an excellent job of taking us through some of the minerals that can be found in the southern regions of Italy.
His talk “From Aosta to Sicily, a mineralogical journey through Italy” is part two of two, and covered the regions from Tuscany to Sicily (and Sardinia). If you haven’t already watched Part 1, Aosta through to Emilia-Romagna (Aosta Valley, Piemonte, Lombardia, Trentino Alto-Adige, Veneto, and Emilia Romagna), you can find it here.
You can watch Part 2 on my YouTube Channel here.
Below: Carbonate-cyanotrichte, Gadoni, Funtana Raminosa Mine, Sardinia, Italy. Width of view 4mm. Henk Smeets specimen and photo.