I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, there are often times when you don’t see something until after you have a completed stacked photo.
This is a good example of that. Take a look at the second photo and compare it to the first one. They look very much the same, right?
Well, yes. Until you look a bit closer that is!
Check out zoomed in photos three and four. Now you will see the problem! The specimen had lots of very fine threads that only really showed up when I zoomed in on the (first) finished photo.
Easily fixed of course. A quick brush to remove the offending stuff, and redo the stack. Nothing lost other than a bit of time, but plenty gained!
Below: Jarosite, King Hill gold mine, Cygnet district, Huon-Channel region, Huon Valley municipality, Tasmania. Width of view 6mm.
Below: Same specimen, but the dirty version.
Below: Closeup after cleaning.
Below: Closeup clearly showing the problem!