A new book arrived in the mail! Well, an old book. 😁
This is the latest addition to my Japanese mineral and geology books. It is a small format book (A5 size) with 82 pages and eight colour plates. This fifth edition English version was specifically published for the introduction to Japanese minerals in the 18th General Meeting of the IMA in Edinburgh, Scotland.
There were about 1,100 valid species at the time of publishing (now over 1,400 as per Mindat), and the book contents are arranged alphabetically, with valid species in all capital letters, and varieties and synonyms in Title case.
Details for each species include name, chemical formula, name in standard Japanese pronunciation, and crystal system. For rare or less common minerals, as well as new minerals added in this edition, localities and references are also included.
I had the good fortunate of having dinner with the author last week, and he gave me a signed copy of the book. Japan has v diverse mineralogy and a large contingent of mineral and mining museums, mineralogists and collectors. Cheers Dermot
I didn't know this book existed. Are there any suppliers of it?