Upcoming Facebook Group, the Micromount Club, holds monthly Zoom sessions on various mineral-related subjects. August, September and October sessions are now ready for registration. There will not be one in October.
The sessions are as follows:
Micromount Club Zoom Meeting 2024-007. August 21st. Minerals of Australia. The “C” List – Part 2 – Chrysoberyl to Cyrilovite, presented by Steve Sorrell.
Micromount Club Zoom Meeting 2024-008. September 18th. Polymorphs, presented by Frank Loman.
Micromount Club Zoom Meeting 2024-009. November 20th. Minerals from the Eifel, Germany, presented by Henk Smeets.
These sessions are held 6am my time here in eastern Australia. Videos of most prior Zoom sessions are available on my YouTube Channel.
You can register ahead of time for all of the above sessions here. There is also a link on the page that can help you determine your local time.
In addition, a small group meets via Zoom each fortnight for more of a social mineral catch up. These sessions are held at 7pm on Tuesdays, my time. All welcome. You can find a link to register for these sessions on the same page.
Below: Chrysocolla, Wulfenite, Whim Creek Copper Mine, Whim Creek, Roebourne Shire, Western Australia. Width of view 19mm. Click on the image for a higher resolution version.