…when you cross a tourmaline with a diamond?
Maruyamaite, approved as a new mineral in 2013, with a formula of K(Al2Mg)(Al5Mg)(Si6O18)(BO3)3(OH)3O, is a pale brown to brown, K-dominant tourmaline found in high-pressure rocks. A recent study in the European Journal of Mineralogy has reported the discovery of microdiamond inclusions in maruyamaite from the Kumdy-Kol microdiamond deposit, Kokchetav Massif, Kazakhstan!
Interesting read!
You can read the article: Crystal chemistry of K-tourmalines from the Kumdy-Kol microdiamond deposit, Kokchetav Massif, Kazakhstan, by Beatrice Celata, Ferdinando Bosi, Kira A. Musiyachenko, Andrey V. Korsakov, and Giovanni B. Andreozzi, here.
Below: My kind of microdiamonds, these ones from Kimberley, South Africa. Width of view 8mm.
Good for diamond saws not so good for diamond rings!!