You might google or researchgate charoite from there and see if perchance someone has some, and commented on the others. Or inquire of a bunch of fluorescent collectors.
Just think of how vast the hidden collection is in all your amphiboles!!
Steve, another thought: I was just researching skutterudite CoAs3, and webmineral details that their sample had 6% Ni. So you might label it 94%skutterudite, 6% Nickeline. Also, your sphalerites can contain Cd, Ga, and Ge, so think of how vast your hidden collection would be! Only problem would STAY hidden.
You might google or researchgate charoite from there and see if perchance someone has some, and commented on the others. Or inquire of a bunch of fluorescent collectors.
Just think of how vast the hidden collection is in all your amphiboles!!
Steve, another thought: I was just researching skutterudite CoAs3, and webmineral details that their sample had 6% Ni. So you might label it 94%skutterudite, 6% Nickeline. Also, your sphalerites can contain Cd, Ga, and Ge, so think of how vast your hidden collection would be! Only problem would STAY hidden.
I'm sure you are aware of these possibilities.